Page 9 - MONECO Financial Training Catalogue
P. 9


         12 –13 15                            –  Hospitality                    Section 8: Emerging Property
           Lunch                              –  Cafes/bars                   Sectors
         13 –17 00                          •  Purchase price and the effect of    •  Co-working spaces
           Section 7: Accounts-based         goodwill                          •  Urban logistics
         Methods of Valuation              Case study: valuation of a hotel    •  Build-to-rent properties
          •  Using accounts to value properties
            –  Leisure                                                          Conclusion of the Course

            Lecturer: David Hunt
            David  has  over  10  years  of  commercial  real  estate  experience  mostly  gained
            in Central and Eastern Europe. As a Chartered Surveyor he has specialised in
            valuation. He qualified while working with the UK’s Valuation Office Agency before
            moving to DTZ’s Ukraine office. He later worked in Romania and Poland for a total
            of 3 years with Cushman & Wakefield.
              • Member of the RICS
              • Fellow of the HEA

            David currently works for the University College of Estate Management (UCEM)
            in  Reading,  UK.  David  joined  UCEM  in  September  2015,  principally  as  a  tutor
            on  valuation  modules.  He  module  leader  for  several  valuation  modules  at
            undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He is also responsible for drafting and editing all valuation course
            content on the Bachelor of Science Degree in Real Estate Management.

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